All of my life I have gotten a C average in math. I have been trying to set a goal to make above a C in math. I don't know why I have trouble with math. Can someone help me?

Get yourself a big stack of blank paper and a few good HB pencils.

Do all the questions in your text, even the ones the teacher did not assign.

Repeat the above.

Study and do extra work. Ask for tutoring from your teacher or someone who could.

go to bed earlier

I once had the same problem as you. All you really need to do is focus and study and I dont mean CRAM SESSION. I mean studying before your teacher even says theres gonna be a test. I always study 2 weeks before my test, quizzes or whatever. Dont let anyone distract you, and if your still struggling i have a app you could use. Its called Khan Academy. It starts at 2nd grade and ends at 8th grade. You can earn characters and points.(My fav character is spunky Sam because hes well funky!. and im so sorry for all the writing, I was only gonna write two or three sentences) Take it from me I have been using Khan Academy for 3 years and my math scores have gone from D's to High B's. ( and if you were wandering what grade im in. which you probably weren't, Im in 8th grade) I hope this helps you and have a good day!

Chicken Little lol what?!

Of course, I'm here to help you! Understanding why you may be struggling with math is an important step in overcoming the challenges. Here are a few suggestions on how to improve your math skills:

1. Identify the reasons: Reflect on the specific areas or topics in math that you find difficult. Is it particular concepts, problem-solving techniques, or understanding math language? Identifying the reasons can help you focus on those areas and find suitable solutions.

2. Seek extra help: Don't hesitate to reach out for additional support. Speak to your math teacher or seek tutoring outside of class. They can provide explanations, guidance, and practice exercises tailored to your needs. Sometimes, a different teaching style or one-on-one attention can make a difference.

3. Practice regularly: Consistent practice is key to improving your math skills. Set aside time each day or week to work on math problems. Start with easier exercises and gradually challenge yourself with more difficult ones. The more you practice, the more comfortable you will become with the concepts.

4. Utilize online resources: There are numerous websites, apps, and YouTube channels that provide explanations, tutorials, and practice problems for various math topics. Explore these resources to find ones that suit your learning style and preferences.

5. Build a strong foundation: Mathematics is often cumulative, meaning new concepts build upon previous ones. If you're struggling with a particular topic, it may be helpful to revisit the fundamental concepts related to it. Fill any gaps in your understanding before moving forward.

6. Connect math to real-life situations: Sometimes, math can seem abstract and detached from everyday life. Try to find practical applications of the concepts you're learning. This can help make math more relatable and improve your understanding.

7. Be patient and persistent: Learning math takes time and effort. Don't become discouraged if you don't see immediate improvements. Stay positive, stay motivated, and keep working at it.

By analyzing your specific challenges, seeking support, practicing regularly, and adopting effective learning strategies, you can take steps toward improving your math skills. Remember, with dedication and the right resources, you can achieve your goal of earning above a C in math!