What element is a location a_23 of matrix A, if

|4 -3 4|
5 0 -6
7 2 -8

I have the answer at -6
Is this correct?


Solve for x


(5x-8 1 = (2 1
3 4m-1) 3 7m +6)

How do I do this?

Solution of the determinant? Matrix

|1 7
0 3|

How do I do this?

1)Solve the system




1. ?
2. 3


5x = 10 so x = 2
2. 3 is correct

To determine the element at location a_23 of matrix A, you need to identify the row and column at that location.

In this case, "a_23" refers to the element in the second row (row index 2) and the third column (column index 3) of matrix A.

Looking at the matrix A:

| 4 -3 4 |
| 5 0 -6 |
| 7 2 -8 |

The element at the location a_23 is -6.

Therefore, the answer you provided (-6) is correct.