I still need help, I am very confused

Ambiguous sentences, can you help me with two interpretations for each:

1. He likes galloping horses

2. We laughed at the colorful ball

3.The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth.

4. I said I would file it on Thursday

5. I cannot recommend visinting professors too highly.

6. The license fee for pets owned by senior citizens who have not been altered is $1.50 (Actual notice)

7. What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Notihing! (Attributed to Mae West)

8. Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink. (Actual notice)

9. For Sale: Several old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition. (Actual notice)

10. Time flies like an arrow.

Maria -- I've given you the meanings of many of the confusing words. Unless you make an effort to try to interpret them yourself, we'll delete your posts that ask the same questions.

Certainly! I'll provide two possible interpretations for each sentence:

1. He likes galloping horses:
Interpretation 1: The subject of the sentence enjoys watching and appreciating horses that gallop.
Interpretation 2: The subject of the sentence enjoys actively participating in horseback riding, specifically galloping.

2. We laughed at the colorful ball:
Interpretation 1: The group of people (referred to as "we") found amusement in the appearance of a ball that is colorful.
Interpretation 2: The group of people (referred to as "we") laughed while playing with a ball that is colorful.

3. The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth:
Interpretation 1: There was an encouragement directed at the police to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages by the fifth day of a specific time period.
Interpretation 2: The police were requested to halt their own drinking activities by the fifth member of their group or organization.

4. I said I would file it on Thursday:
Interpretation 1: The speaker mentioned their intention to complete the act of filing something on Thursday.
Interpretation 2: The speaker affirmed their commitment to place a document in a specific location, referred to as "file," on Thursday.

5. I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly:
Interpretation 1: The speaker strongly advises others to visit professors, emphasizing the significance of this action.
Interpretation 2: The speaker expresses their inability to provide excessively high recommendations when it comes to visiting professors.

6. The license fee for pets owned by senior citizens who have not been altered is $1.50 (Actual notice):
Interpretation 1: The mentioned fee of $1.50 is applicable to pet owners who are senior citizens and have not had their pets spayed or neutered.
Interpretation 2: The stated license fee of $1.50 is specifically assigned to senior citizens who own unaltered pets.

7. What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing! (Attributed to Mae West):
Interpretation 1: The question rhetorically suggests that a tuxedo clothing choice enhances the appearance of a handsome man more than any other option.
Interpretation 2: According to the quote attributed to Mae West, there is no attire more suitable for improving the appearance of a handsome man than a tuxedo.

8. Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink (Actual notice):
Interpretation 1: The notice indicates a requirement for a man to be responsible for the well-being of a cow. It is essential that the selected person does not partake in smoking or drinking.
Interpretation 2: According to the notice, there is a job opening for a man who can provide care for a cow, but it is imperative that the hired individual does not engage in smoking or drinking.

9. For Sale: Several old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition (Actual notice):
Interpretation 1: An advertisement is offering numerous old dresses in excellent condition, which were previously owned by someone's grandmother.
Interpretation 2: The notice promotes the sale of multiple old dresses that are in beautiful condition, originating from the wardrobe of the seller's grandmother.

10. Time flies like an arrow:
Interpretation 1: The statement suggests that the concept of time progresses swiftly, similar to the manner in which an arrow moves rapidly through the air.
Interpretation 2: According to the analogy, time can be compared to an arrow in terms of its speedy passage.