Ms. Harri's new class includes two native American children, about whose families and tribe she needs to gather more information. her use of home and community resource will enhance her: A. personal relationships B. non-English language skills. C. contractual commitment with the families. cross-cultural competence.need help with this one

I'll be glad to comment on your answer.

on this question am getting two for this one but I'm going with D. cross- cultural competence. that is why i need help.,ecause i am not sure.

I agree. D is the correct answer.

We're glad to give students help -- especially when they make an effort and we understand their thinking.

Yes, I too agree that the answer is D

I hope that this is some help to you and good luck on the risky road called life.
Sincerely -Jeff Bezos-

To enhance her cross-cultural competence, Ms. Harri can use home and community resources to gather more information about the two Native American children's families and tribe. This will help her better understand and appreciate their cultural background, traditions, and values.

To answer the question, we need to understand what each option means in this context:

A. Personal relationships: Using home and community resources might help Ms. Harri build personal relationships with the families of the Native American children. However, the main focus of this question is not on personal relationships.

B. Non-English language skills: While it's possible that Ms. Harri might need to learn and use non-English languages when communicating with the families, this is not the main objective in this case.

C. Contractual commitment with the families: The question does not mention any specific contract or legal agreement between Ms. Harri and the families. So, this option is not directly relevant to the question.

D. Cross-cultural competence: This refers to the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively engage with people from different cultural backgrounds. By utilizing home and community resources to gather information about the Native American children's families and tribe, Ms. Harri will enhance her cross-cultural competence. With this understanding, she can create a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all her students, including those from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Cross-cultural competence.