A 4.98 g sample of aniline (C6H5NH2, molar mass = 93.13 g/mol) was combusted in a bomb calorimeter with a heat capacity of 4.25 kJ/°C. If the temperature rose from 29.5°C to 69.8°C, determine the value of ΔH°comb for aniline.

katie youre dumb. its -3.2*10^3

answer is -3.2*10^3 KJ/moles katie your an idiot....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!11!1!!one1! that's hilarious... but the answer is -3.2*10^3

delta H = qcal*delta T for a 4.98g sample.

(delta H/4.98) = delta H in kJ/g. Multiply by molar mass to convert to kJ/mol.


None of these responses help

Adam is very toxic and doesnt know what a derivative is. Yikes. Also doesnt go to uconn, #notevenahusky

i just wanna give a shoutout to my boy nenortboi for holdin the city down when the liberals attacked. It's been a great honour sir *salutes*. Poor one out for all the fallen conservagangs who sacrificed their lives for our country. You will be missed

7.84 * 10^3

-7.81 × 103 kJ/mol