A 20 ounce bag of popcorn costs $2.80 at the movie theater, if the unit price remains the same, how much would a 35 ounce bag cost ?

Please help me, I'm in math class and Im stuck.

Use a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

20/2.80 = 35/x

-First find the cost per ounce:

2.80 divided by 20 = .14 per ounce
-Then, multiply by 35 to find the price for 35 ounces:
.14 x 35 = 4.90
-Therefore, a 35 ounce bag of popcorn would be $4.90!
Hope this helped!


when n=321

it is 4.90

To find out how much a 35 ounce bag of popcorn would cost, you can use a proportion. Let's set up the proportion:

x/35 = $2.80/20

Here, x represents the unknown cost of the 35-ounce bag. To solve this proportion, you can cross-multiply:

20x = 35 * $2.80

Multiply 35 by $2.80:

20x = $98

Now, isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 20:

x = $98 / 20

Simplify the division:

x = $4.90

Therefore, a 35-ounce bag of popcorn would cost $4.90.