convert 0.0125 to a fraction and simplify

what is the 0.0125 in fractional notation?


= 0.0125 ÷ 1
Multiply both numerator and denominator by 10000 to get
= 125 ÷ 10000
and simplify to
= 1 ÷ 80
= 1/80 ( / is a usual notation for ÷)

If u want to simplify take the decimal 0.0125 find out what place it's located in. It's in the ten thousand place, so then u would write it as 125/10000 then simplifly from there!

To convert 0.0125 to a fraction, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Count the number of decimal places in the decimal number. In this case, there are four decimal places because 0.0125 has four digits after the decimal point.

Step 2: Write down the decimal number as the numerator, and in the denominator, write 1 followed by the same number of zeros as there are decimal places. In this case, since there are four decimal places, you write 1 followed by four zeros, which is 10,000.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and then divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD.

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 0.0125 is 125/10,000. To simplify this fraction, you can divide both the numerator and denominator by 125 (the GCD):

125 ÷ 125 = 1
10,000 ÷ 125 = 80

So, the simplified fraction is 1/80.

well i don't know how to do this so if i were to solve it,it would take more than one try.