tha sum of two number is 25 times tha difference between these two numbers.if 75%of smaller number is 18 what is tha other number.

18/(3/4) = 6*4 = 24 = small number

24 + x = 25(x-24)
24 + x = 25 x - 600
24 x = 624
x = 26

tha sum of two number is 25 times tha difference between these two numbers.if 75%of smaller number is 18 what is tha other number.

To solve this problem, we can break it down into steps:

Step 1: Let's define the two numbers.
Let's call the smaller number "x" and the other number "y".

Step 2: Write the given information as an equation.
The sum of two numbers is 25 times the difference between the two numbers.
This can be written as: x + y = 25 * (x - y).

Step 3: Use the second piece of information to find the value of the smaller number.
We know that 75% of the smaller number is 18, so we can set up the equation: 0.75 * x = 18.

Step 4: Solve the equation for the smaller number.
To solve for x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.75: x = 18 / 0.75.

Step 5: Calculate the value of x.
By dividing 18 by 0.75, we find that x = 24.

Step 6: Substitute the value of x into the first equation to find y.
Using the equation from step 2, we can substitute x = 24:
24 + y = 25 * (24 - y).

Step 7: Solve the equation for y.
Expanding the equation, we have: 24 + y = 25*24 - 25y.
Combining like terms, we get: y + 25y = 25*24 - 24.
Simplifying further: 26y = 24*25 - 24.
Calculating: 26y = 600.
Dividing both sides by 26: y = 600 / 26.

Step 8: Calculate the value of y.
By dividing 600 by 26, we find that y ≈ 23.08 (rounded to two decimal places).

So, the other number is approximately 23.08.