(1.) Solve. Then graph

¡Á+8>2 The solution set {¡Á|¡Á>blank}

(2.) Solve. Then graph a+1¡Ü-17

To solve the inequality ¡Á + 8 > 2, we need to isolate the variable ¡Á on one side of the inequality. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start with the original inequality: ¡Á + 8 > 2.
2. Subtract 8 from both sides of the inequality: ¡Á + 8 - 8 > 2 - 8.
3. Simplify both sides: ¡Á > -6.

So, the solution set for the inequality ¡Á + 8 > 2 is {¡Á | ¡Á > -6}.

To graph this solution set on a number line, you would represent all the values of ¡Á greater than -6. You can do this by drawing a number line from left to right and marking a closed dot at -6 (to show that -6 is not included in the solution set) and then shading everything to the right of -6.

Moving on to the second question:

To solve the inequality a + 1 ¡Ü -17, we follow a similar process:

1. Start with the original inequality: a + 1 ¡Ü -17.
2. Subtract 1 from both sides of the inequality: a + 1 - 1 ¡Ü -17 - 1.
3. Simplify both sides: a ¡Ü -18.

Therefore, the solution set for the inequality a + 1 ¡Ü -17 is {a | a ¡Ü -18}.

To graph this solution set on a number line, you would represent all the values of a less than or equal to -18. Start by marking a closed dot at -18 and then shade everything to the left of -18.