I need help on my research paper its on Compare and Contrast Utilization Management and Case Management. Which one helps patients more? I don't know how to start my paper Do you know of a website where I can find out all I need to know about utilizatio mangement Thank you

Yes, I can help you with that. To get started on your research paper comparing Utilization Management and Case Management, you can begin by understanding the basic concepts of both topics.

Utilization Management (UM) and Case Management (CM) are both important aspects of healthcare delivery, but they serve different purposes. Utilization Management focuses on ensuring appropriate and cost-effective use of healthcare services, while Case Management aims to coordinate and advocate for the comprehensive care of individual patients.

To find more information specifically on Utilization Management, a reliable and credible source to start with is the website of the National Association of Utilization Management Review Organizations (NAUMRO). NAUMRO provides insights into the principles, practices, and trends in Utilization Management. Their website is www.naumro.org.

Once you're on the NAUMRO website, you can explore their resources, such as articles, research papers, and guidelines related to Utilization Management. This will provide you with a solid foundation to understand the principles and key aspects of Utilization Management.

Additionally, you can use academic databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, or JSTOR to search for scholarly articles on Utilization Management. These databases contain peer-reviewed research papers and academic journals that will enhance your understanding of the topic.

Remember that when conducting research, it is important to critically evaluate the information you find and cite credible sources. Utilize peer-reviewed articles, scholarly books, and reputable organizations to gather reliable information for your research paper.

Also, consider reaching out to your school's library or librarian for assistance in accessing relevant databases or additional resources specific to your research topic.

I hope this helps you get started on your research paper. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!