Complete each sentence with the correct form of the appropriate verb. Each verb will be used only once.


1.Tú siempre agua después de correr.

2. Yo siempre la tarea después de las clases.

3. La cafetería unas hamburguesas muy ricas.

4. ¿Usted correos electrónicos a sus amigos?

5. ¿ un sándwich, tú y yo? Es muy grande para una persona.

Piss in ur mouth.



1. Tú siempre BEBES agua después de correr.

To determine the correct verb form, you need to identify the subject of the sentence, which in this case is "tú" (you). Since "tú" is the second-person singular informal pronoun, you will use the verb form "bebes" which is the present tense form of the verb "beber" (to drink).

2. Yo siempre ESCRIBO la tarea después de las clases.
Again, identify the subject of the sentence, which is "yo" (I). Since "yo" is the first-person singular pronoun, you will use the verb form "escribo" which is the present tense form of the verb "escribir" (to write).

3. La cafetería VENDE unas hamburguesas muy ricas.
In this sentence, "la cafetería" (the cafeteria) is the subject. Since it is a third-person singular noun, you will use the verb form "vende" which is the present tense form of the verb "vender" (to sell).

4. ¿Usted ESCRIBE correos electrónicos a sus amigos?
The subject of the sentence is "usted" (you, formal). Since "usted" is the second-person singular formal pronoun, you will use the verb form "escribe" which is the present tense form of the verb "escribir" (to write).

5. ¿COMPARTES un sándwich, tú y yo? Es muy grande para una persona.
The subject of the sentence is "tú y yo" (you and I). Since it is a first-person plural pronoun, you will use the verb form "compartes" which is the present tense form of the verb "compartir" (to share).



Just a moment! We HELP here but we do not DO the work for you. You must select the correct infinitive and put it in the correct form. After y ou do that, I'll be happy to check your answers for you!
