This 10 week-old male infant who had been sick for 3 days prior to admission with fever to 103 degrees.

1. This is a run-on that needs to be shortened.
2. This is a run-on can be fixed by adding a comma after infant.
3. This is a fragment that requires a subject.
4. This is a fragment that requires a verb.
5. The sentence is fine as it is.
Not #5.
I think # 2 - adding a comma after infant.
#1 I would change the sentence:
This 10 week-old male infant was sick for 3 days prior to admission with a fever to 103 degrees.
Thanks again

You missed it this time.

This is a fragment that doesn't have a verb.

Take out the subordinate clause: "who had been sick for three days prior to admission with fever of 103 degrees"

The words that are left do not have a verb.

i think its #4

Actually, the correct answer is #3. The sentence is a fragment that requires a subject. A complete sentence needs to have both a subject (the person or thing that performs the action) and a verb (the action or state of being). In this case, the sentence lacks a subject. To fix the fragment, you can add a subject, such as "The 10 week-old male infant," at the beginning of the sentence. So the corrected sentence would be:

"The 10 week-old male infant, who had been sick for 3 days prior to admission, had a fever of 103 degrees."