The 3 results should be within ± 0.5.

I have 3 results
1) 1.5
2) 0.5
3) 1.0

Does this mean the results are acceptable since the 3 values can be arranged in the following order
The smallest value 0.5 is (-0.5) of the middle value 1.0 and the largest value 1.5 is (+0.5) of the middle value.


To determine if the results are acceptable within the specified range of ± 0.5, you need to compare each result to the middle value (1.0). If the absolute difference between each result and the middle value is less than or equal to 0.5, then the results are within the acceptable range.

Let's calculate the absolute difference for each result:

1) Absolute difference between 1.5 and 1.0 = |1.5 - 1.0| = 0.5
2) Absolute difference between 0.5 and 1.0 = |0.5 - 1.0| = 0.5
3) Absolute difference between 1.0 and 1.0 = |1.0 - 1.0| = 0

From the calculations, we can see that the absolute differences for the first two results are equal to 0.5, which is within the acceptable range of ± 0.5. The third result has an absolute difference of 0, meaning it is exactly equal to the middle value.

Therefore, based on the given values, the results are acceptable since all three values have absolute differences within ± 0.5 of the middle value.