Sra here some of the other sentences:

1. Nous sommes allés à boum, et nous avons montré des bals.

2. Je suis allé à la maison de mon ami et j’ai eu Soirée pyjama.

3. Je suis rentré à la maison de mon cousin et j’ai joué des jeux.

4. Nous sommes sortis pour manger dans un restaurant. ( I did this one a bit differently, is there any way to rephrase it ?)

1.. au bum

2. Because you are feminine = Je suis allée.....j 'ai eu une soirée-hébergement.

3. Je suis rentrée play a game is u sually joué aux jeux

4. When you say rephrase Nous avons mangé dans un restaurant. What were the instructions? Must you use the passé composé with être?

Sra (aka Mme)

1. the o didn't type = au boum

Sra (aka Mme)

1 Nous somme allés à une boum et nous avons dansé.

« Une boum » is familiar for « une surprise-partie » ( a party)
2. Je suis allé(e) chez mon ami et nous avons fait une soirée pyjama.(a sleepover party)

1. The first sentence in French says, "We went to the party and we showed dances." To rephrase it in a more natural way, you could say, "We went to the party and danced."

2. The second sentence in French says, "I went to my friend's house and had a sleepover." This sentence is already well-rephrased.

3. The third sentence in French says, "I returned to my cousin's house and played games." To rephrase it, you could say, "I went back to my cousin's house and played games."

4. The fourth sentence in French says, "We went out to eat at a restaurant." If you'd like to rephrase it, you could say, "We went to a restaurant for a meal."