indigo C16H10N2O2 (numbers are suppose to b as a subscript) is the common name of the dye that gives blue jeans their characteristic colour. Calculate the mass of oxygenin 25.0g og indigo. show your work.

How many moles indigo do you have?

25.0g/molar mass indigo = moles indigo.
You have two atoms/mol indigo and each atom has a mass of 16 grams.

To calculate the mass of oxygen in 25.0g of indigo (C16H10N2O2), we need to determine:

1. The molar mass of indigo.
2. The molar mass of oxygen in indigo.
3. The mole ratio of oxygen to indigo.
4. The mass of oxygen in 25.0g of indigo.

Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of indigo (C16H10N2O2).
- The molar mass of C (carbon) is 12.01 g/mol.
- The molar mass of H (hydrogen) is 1.01 g/mol.
- The molar mass of N (nitrogen) is 14.01 g/mol.
- The molar mass of O (oxygen) is 16.00 g/mol.
Now, we calculate the molar mass of indigo:
(16 * 12.01) + (10 * 1.01) + (2 * 14.01) + (2 * 16.00) = 262.34 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the molar mass of oxygen in indigo.
Oxygen is present in every indigo molecule, and each molecule contains two oxygen atoms. Hence, the molar mass of oxygen in indigo is:
2 * 16.00 = 32.00 g/mol

Step 3: Determine the mole ratio of oxygen to indigo.
By comparing the coefficients in the chemical formula C16H10N2O2, we can see that the mole ratio of oxygen (O) to indigo (C16H10N2O2) is 2:1.

Step 4: Calculate the mass of oxygen in 25.0g of indigo.
To find the mass of oxygen in 25.0g of indigo, we need to use the mole ratio and the molar masses we calculated earlier. Here's how:
- Find the number of moles of indigo:
25.0g / (262.34 g/mol) = 0.0953 mol
- Calculate the number of moles of oxygen present:
0.0953 mol × (2 mol O / 1 mol indigo) = 0.1906 mol
- Finally, find the mass of oxygen:
0.1906 mol × (32.00 g/mol) = 6.10 g

So, the mass of oxygen in 25.0g of indigo is 6.10 grams.