please help me , this journal is for tomorow and i can't do it: the idea that power courrupts but suffering can redeem is fairly common plot support this theme, please answer as fast as you can . thank you

this journal is about king lear sorry i forget to mention it in the question thanks


No one here will do your writing for you; make sure you have done all of these things:

1. Read the play, and you may have to reread parts of it. Use the NoFearShakespeare link I've given you in order to read a modern English "translation." You'll understand it far better that way.

2. Decide who is supposed to be writing this journal entry? Lear? Cordelia? Regan? Who?

3. Make sure you are clear on who becomes powerful in this play. (There are several characters, actually.) Choose one. Then decide how that character acted when given power he/she wasn't used to having.

4. Make sure you are clear on who suffers in this play and changes his/her attitudes because of the suffering.

Once you are clear on all those things and have read and re-read whatever you need to, then you'll be ready to write. And once you have written your journal entry, feel free to post it if you would like someone here to critique it for you.

i don't want you to write me the journal i need only some hint to write

Of course, I'm here to help! To support the idea that power corrupts but suffering can redeem, you can refer to various examples from literature, movies, or history. Here's a general approach to answering this question:

1. Introduction:
Start by introducing the concept of power corrupting individuals. Explain how having immense power can lead people to misuse it, act selfishly, or become morally compromised.

2. Supporting the idea of power corrupting:
Choose a specific example from literature, such as "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare. Discuss how Macbeth's desire for power leads him to commit heinous acts, including murder, that corrupt his character.

3. Transition to suffering and redemption:
Explain how in many stories, suffering serves as a catalyst for change and redemption. Introduce a character who goes through hardships that ultimately lead to their redemption.

4. Supporting the idea of suffering redeeming:
Select another example, such as "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo. Discuss the character of Jean Valjean, who starts as a hardened criminal but undergoes transformative suffering and eventually finds redemption through acts of selflessness and compassion.

5. Conclusion:
Summarize how these examples illustrate the theme of power corrupting and suffering redeeming. Highlight the importance of recognizing the potential for corruption in positions of power, while also acknowledging the power of empathy and personal growth through suffering.

Remember, it's essential to provide specific evidence from the chosen examples to support your claims. Good luck with your journal!