Here are data for Germany and Japan on the ratio of employment to population in 1979 and 2003

1979 for Germany is 0.33
2008 for Germany is 0.49

For Japan
1979 is 0.48
2008 is 0.51

How would I find the average labor productivity for each country in 1979 and in 2008. Between 1979 and 2008, and how would I compute the increase in GDP per capita, in labor productivity and in employment relative to population for each country?


To find the average labor productivity for each country in 1979 and 2008, you need the data on:

1. Total GDP (Gross Domestic Product) for each country in 1979 and 2008.
2. Total employment for each country in 1979 and 2008.

Once you have this information, you can use the following formulas to calculate the average labor productivity:

Average Labor Productivity = Total GDP / Total Employment

Step-by-step process:

1. Calculate the average labor productivity for each country in 1979 and 2008:
- For Germany in 1979: Divide the total GDP of Germany in 1979 by the total employment in Germany in 1979.
- For Germany in 2008: Divide the total GDP of Germany in 2008 by the total employment in Germany in 2008.
- For Japan in 1979: Divide the total GDP of Japan in 1979 by the total employment in Japan in 1979.
- For Japan in 2008: Divide the total GDP of Japan in 2008 by the total employment in Japan in 2008.

2. To calculate the increase in GDP per capita:
- Compute the GDP per capita for each country in 1979 by dividing the total GDP of each country in 1979 by the population of each country in 1979.
- Compute the GDP per capita for each country in 2008 by dividing the total GDP of each country in 2008 by the population of each country in 2008.
- Calculate the difference between the GDP per capita in 2008 and 1979 for each country.

3. To compute the increase in labor productivity:
- Calculate the difference between the average labor productivity in 2008 and 1979 for each country.

4. To compute the increase in employment relative to population:
- Calculate the difference between the ratio of employment to population in 2008 and 1979 for each country.

Once you have the necessary data and perform the above calculations, you will have the average labor productivity for each country in 1979 and 2008, the increase in GDP per capita, the increase in labor productivity, and the increase in employment relative to population for each country.