what are the oxidatoin numbers in this chemical reaction Ni+H2SO4=H2+NiSO4? is it

Reactants: Ni=0 H=1 SO4=-2? Products:H=1 Ni=2+ SO4=-2?
what is being oxidized? reduced? what is the oxidizing agent? reducing agent?

is Ni being oxidized and is reducing agent? is H oxidizing agent and being reduced? please help?????????????

Yes on all except H2 is oxidation state of 0 on the right. Any element in the free state and all compounds are zero.

To determine the oxidation numbers in a chemical reaction, we need to assign oxidation numbers to each element in the reactants and products.

The oxidation number of an element is a positive or negative number that represents the charge it would have if all its bonds were 100% ionic. Here's how you can determine the oxidation numbers in this reaction:

1. Start by assigning an oxidation number of 0 to any element in its standard state. In this reaction, Ni is a single atom, so its standard state oxidation number is 0.

2. Hydrogen (H) generally has an oxidation number of +1 in compounds, except when bonded to metals where it has a -1 oxidation number. In this case, H is bonded to sulfur, so its oxidation number is +1.

3. In a compound, oxygen (O) usually has an oxidation number of -2, unless it is in a peroxide (e.g., H2O2) where it has an oxidation number of -1. In H2SO4, we have four oxygen atoms, so their combined oxidation number is -8. Since the overall charge of the sulfate ion (SO4) is -2, the sulfur atom's oxidation number must be +6 to balance out the charges.

Now, let's examine the reaction:

Reactants: Ni + H2SO4
Product: H2 + NiSO4

In the reactants:
- The oxidation number of Ni is 0.
- The oxidation number of H is +1, as we discussed before.
- The oxidation numbers of S and O in H2SO4 are +6 and -8, respectively. The overall oxidation number of the sulfate ion (SO4) is -2.

In the products:
- The oxidation number of H is +1.
- The oxidation number of Ni is +2. (Note that the charge of the Ni ion is indicated by the superscript +2.)
- The oxidation numbers of S and O in NiSO4 are +6 and -2, respectively. The overall oxidation number of the sulfate ion (SO4) is -2.

Now, let's determine what is being oxidized and reduced, as well as the oxidizing and reducing agents:

- The oxidation state of Ni increases from 0 to +2, indicating that it is being oxidized. Therefore, Ni is the reducing agent.
- The oxidation state of H decreases from +1 to 0, indicating that it is being reduced. Therefore, H is the oxidizing agent.

In summary:
- Ni: 0
- H: +1
- SO4: -2

- H: +1
- Ni: +2
- SO4: -2

Ni is being oxidized and acts as the reducing agent, while H is being reduced and acts as the oxidizing agent.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.