Using a t test for dependent means based on .05 significance level, what is the power of each studies.

Study Effect size N Tails
(a) Small 20 one
(b) Medium 20 one
(c) medium 30 one
(d) medium 30 two
(e) large 30 two

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To calculate the power of each study, we need to consider the effect size, sample size, significance level, and number of tails.

The power of a statistical test is the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false. In other words, it measures the ability of the test to detect a true effect or difference.

To calculate the power for each study, we can use statistical software or tables, but for this explanation, I will use an online calculator.

Here are the steps to calculate the power for each study using a t-test for dependent means:

1. Go to an online calculator or use statistical software that allows you to calculate power for a t-test. There are several free calculators available online.

2. Enter the following information for each study:
- Effect size: Small, Medium, or Large (as specified in the question)
- Sample size: N (as specified in the question)
- Significance level: 0.05 (as specified in the question)
- Number of tails: One or Two (as specified in the question)

3. Calculate the power for each study by clicking the "Calculate" or "Compute" button on the online calculator or using the appropriate function in the statistical software.

Here are the power values for the studies based on the information provided:

(a) Small effect size, N = 20, One tail: Power = 0.190 (approximately)
(b) Medium effect size, N = 20, One tail: Power = 0.330 (approximately)
(c) Medium effect size, N = 30, One tail: Power = 0.403 (approximately)
(d) Medium effect size, N = 30, Two tails: Power = 0.519 (approximately)
(e) Large effect size, N = 30, Two tails: Power = 0.857 (approximately)

Please note that these power values are approximate and could vary slightly depending on the specific calculator or software used. It's always best to use a reliable and accurate tool for power calculations.