how do you writ $1,044 in word form.

one thousand forty four dollars

one-thousand forty-four

One thousand and forty four dollars.

What do you mean by <writ>?

To write $1,044 in word form, follow these steps:

Step 1: Separate the number into three groups: the thousands group, the hundreds group, and the ones group.

Step 2: Write the number in each group using words.

In the thousands group: The number in the thousands group is 1, so we write it as "one thousand."

In the hundreds group: The number in the hundreds group is 0, so we don't need to write anything for this group.

In the ones group: The number in the ones group is 44, so we write it as "forty-four."

Step 3: Combine the word form of each group separated by hyphens.

Putting it all together, $1,044 in word form is "one thousand forty-four."