In this passage I need to find the main idea and 3 supporting details.

You have probably gone on a merry-go-around. Theres one at most theme and carnivals. You find a painted horse or other animal. You climb up on its back.
Most of the animals are on the poles. The poles go up and down. The whole ride will go around while music plays.

A merry-go-round was the first kind
of amusement ride. It came before the Ferris wheel and roller coaster. England had at least one merry-go-round in 1729. The first merry-go-round came to America in 1799

the main idea is the merry-go round.

To find the main idea and three supporting details in this passage, you'll need to identify the central message that the author is conveying and then locate points that support or expand upon that idea. Here's how you can approach it:

1. Read and understand the passage: Take a moment to read and comprehend the passage as a whole. This will give you a general idea of what the passage is about.
2. Identify the main idea: Look for the sentence or phrase that summarizes the central message of the passage. It should capture the most important point that the author is trying to convey.
3. Locate supporting details: Scan through the passage and identify three specific points or pieces of information that support the main idea. These can be facts, examples, or explanations that provide further context or evidence.
4. Summarize the main idea and supporting details: Once you have identified the main idea and supporting details, you can summarize them into a concise answer.

Applying these steps to the provided passage:

1. Passage: The passage discusses the history and introduction of merry-go-rounds.
2. Main idea: The main idea of the passage is that merry-go-rounds were the first kind of amusement ride, predating the Ferris wheel and roller coaster.
3. Supporting details:
a. Detail 1: The passage mentions that England had at least one merry-go-round in 1729.
b. Detail 2: The passage notes that the first merry-go-round came to America in 1799.
c. Detail 3: The passage implies that the features of a merry-go-round include painted animals, poles that go up and down, and a rotating motion with accompanying music.

4. Summary: The main idea is that merry-go-rounds were the first type of amusement ride, with supporting details including the existence of merry-go-rounds in England in 1729, their introduction to America in 1799, and their distinct features.

(Note: You may need to adjust or modify the details and summary to accurately reflect the specific information provided in the passage.)