which statement about anorexia nervosa is ture? a.) sufferers are usually males between the age of 12 and 40. b.) people with the disorder may well be attractive and successfull. c.) anorexics almst never starve to death, although they may die from other disorders. d.)typically the lives of anorexic center of sex

I can quickly eliminate a and d. With our society's emphasis on thinness, I would be drawn to b, but I think the answer is c.


Which stwtement about anorexia nervosa is true

Which statement about anorexia nervosa is true ?

To determine which statement about anorexia nervosa is true, let's evaluate each option:

a.) Sufferers are usually males between the age of 12 and 40.
This statement is incorrect. Anorexia nervosa is more commonly seen in females, although males can also be affected.

b.) People with the disorder may well be attractive and successful.
This statement is partly true. People with anorexia nervosa can come from various backgrounds and may have physical attractiveness and success; however, it is important to note that anorexia nervosa is a serious mental health disorder and should not be equated with attractiveness or success.

c.) Anorexics almost never starve to death, although they may die from other disorders.
This statement is incorrect. Anorexia nervosa can lead to starvation, and in severe cases, it has the potential to be life-threatening.

d.) Typically, the lives of anorexic center on sex.
This statement is incorrect. The lives of individuals with anorexia nervosa typically revolve around food and weight-related concerns, rather than sex.

In summary, the only accurate statement is:
b.) People with the disorder may well be attractive and successful.

It's important to rely on authoritative sources such as reputable medical websites, peer-reviewed journals, or consult healthcare professionals to gather accurate information about a specific disorder like anorexia nervosa.