If an electrician works for $750.00 per hour. What would be his salary for 2 days?

How many hours does he work in those two days?

Are you sure it's $750 an hour?

Where do I get a job like that?

I agree. He surely doesn't work 24 hours a day for 2 days straight with a $750 salary?

Come to think of it, I might if I made that much an hour!

Well, when you know how many hours, you multiple that by 2 (for both days he will work), and then the answer to that by his salary of a whopping $750.

To calculate the electrician's salary for 2 days, we need to know how many hours he works in a day. Let's assume the electrician works 8 hours a day.

To find the total number of hours worked in 2 days, we multiply the number of hours worked per day (8 hours) by the number of days (2 days):

Total hours worked = 8 hours/day * 2 days = 16 hours

Now, to calculate the salary, we multiply the total number of hours worked by the hourly rate of $750.00:

Salary = Total hours worked * Hourly rate
= 16 hours * $750.00/hour

By multiplying these values, we find:

Salary = $12,000.00

Therefore, the electrician's salary for 2 days would be $12,000.00.