__________ is the term given to the activities of interest groups that seek to influence the making and implementation of public policy and to persuade government officials to support a group's position.



The term given to the activities of interest groups that seek to influence public policy and persuade government officials is called lobbying. Lobbying involves actively advocating for specific policies or positions in order to shape public policy outcomes in favor of the interest group.

If you would like to find more information about lobbying, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an internet search: Use a search engine like Google and enter keywords such as "lobbying," "interest groups," or "influence on public policy" to find relevant information.

2. Consult government websites: Visit official government websites related to your country or region. Many governments have dedicated sections on their websites that provide information on lobbying regulations, laws, and guidelines. These sources can be particularly useful for understanding how lobbying is conducted within your jurisdiction.

3. Explore academic resources: Look for scholarly articles, books, or research papers that discuss lobbying and its impact on public policy. Online academic databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your local library's resources can provide in-depth analysis and various viewpoints on the subject.

4. Read news articles and reports: Look for news articles from reliable sources that cover recent lobbying activities or controversies. Additionally, reports from reputable organizations or think tanks often delve into the influence of interest groups on public policy.

Remember, it's important to critically evaluate the information you find and consider multiple sources to ensure a well-rounded understanding.