16 1/2 x 33 = is it 792

16*2+1 = 33

so 16 1/2 = 33/2

33*33/2 = 544.5

I do not think that is third grade math so suspect a typo.


One way to solve this problem is like this:

(1/2) * (33/1) = 33/2 = 16 1/2

16 * 33 = 528

528 + 16 1/2 = 544 1/2

You could also use 16.5 for 16 1/2 and multiply. The answer is the same: 544.5

(16 1/2)x33= 16*33+(1/2)*33=



528+16+(1/2)=544 1/2

528+(32+1)/2= 528+(32/2)+(1/2)528+16+(1/2)=544 1/2

528+(32+1)/2= 528+(32/2)+(1/2)=528+16+(1/2)=544 1/2

47 by 6

i have a plate that has an area is 36 inches and a perimeter of 24 inches. i want to buy a square cake to put on the plate. i want there to be a one inch border between the cake and the edge of the plate.What size cake should I order?

What will the area and perimeter of the cake be?

To calculate the product of 16 1/2 (or 16.5) and 33, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number (16 1/2) to an improper fraction.
16 1/2 = (16 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 33/2

Step 2: Multiply the two fractions together.
(33/2) * 33 = (33 * 33) / 2

Step 3: Multiply the numerators and denominators of the fractions separately.
(33 * 33) / (2 * 1) = 1089 / 2

Therefore, the product of 16 1/2 and 33 is 1089/2. However, if you simplify the fraction, you'll get:
1089 ÷ 2 = 544 remainder 1
1089/2 = 544 1/2

So, the exact product of 16 1/2 and 33 is 544 1/2, not 792.