64. Les sirven los frijoles refritos

a. a mí
b. a él
c. a ellos
d. a nosotros
C? I don't really get it..

65. ¿Qué _____ a Uds.?
a. le falta
b. les falta
c. le faltan
d. nos falta
Also don't get this one.

66. "¿Van a salir en seguida?"
"No, ya _____."
a. salieron
b. salí
c. salgo
d. salen
C? These are hard!!

67. "¿Qué _____ tu amigo de merienda ayer?
a. come
b. como
c. comió
d. comiste
C or D?

68. En unos restaurantes italianos, creo que casi todos ______ tienen salsa de tomate.
a. las hamburguesas
b. los pasteles
c. los platos no picantes
d. los platos principales

69. "Enfrente de" quiere decir _______.
a. delante de
b. detrás de
c. a la izquierda de
d. cerca de
"Opposite" means neither of these things. Uggghh hard questions!!! >.<


64. c

65. b
66. a
67. c
68. d
69. a However, if question is asking for the opposite the answer is b

64. les stands for a ellos/a ellas/ or a ustedes (It is the indirect-object pronoun for 3rd person plural.)

65. for the same reason, note that these 3 things (a ellos/a ellas/ a Ustedes) will ALL get les as the indirect-object pronoun.

66. Note that the question uses the plural. That means that your answer must also use the plural. There are only 2 choices there and "ya" signifies past tense = a. salieron

These are NOT hard if you understand what you are doing. Review "indirect-object pronouns."

67. What did YOUR FRIEND eat? HE ate = c "comió"

68. YES!

69. "Enfrente de" means "in front of" and so does a, "delante de."

Here a good dictionary would help you.

Bird, you are absolutely correct BUT that does not explain WHY and MC needs to know WHY.


Let's break down each question to understand how to find the correct answer:

64. Les sirven los frijoles refritos
This question is asking who is served refried beans. The pronoun "les" indicates that the subject being referred to is plural. So, we can rule out options a (a mí) and b (a él) because they are singular. Therefore, the correct answer is c (a ellos), which means "they".

65. ¿Qué _____ a Uds.?
This question is asking what is lacking for "Uds.", which is the abbreviation for "ustedes" or "you all". Again, the pronoun "les" refers to a plural subject. Option d (nos falta) is incorrect because it is referring to "we", not "you all". The correct answer is b (les falta), which means "you all lack".

66. "¿Van a salir en seguida?"
"No, ya _____."
This conversation is asking if someone will leave soon. The response indicates that someone has already left. We need to find the correct conjugation of the verb "salir" in the past tense. Option a (salieron) is in the past tense, but it doesn't match the subject of the response. Option b (salí) is in the first person singular, so it is also incorrect. Option d (salen) is in the present tense, which is not suitable for this context. The correct answer is c (salgo), which is in the first person singular present tense, meaning "I leave".

67. "¿Qué _____ tu amigo de merienda ayer?"
This question is asking what did your friend eat for a snack yesterday. The correct answer should be in the past tense. Both options c (comió) and d (comiste) are in the past tense. However, option c is the correct answer because it matches the third-person singular subject "tu amigo" (your friend).

68. En unos restaurantes italianos, creo que casi todos ______ tienen salsa de tomate.
This sentence is stating that in some Italian restaurants, almost all of "something" has tomato sauce. We need to identify the subject being referred to. Options a (las hamburguesas), b (los pasteles), and c (los platos no picantes) do not fit the context because Italian restaurants are not typically known for serving these items with tomato sauce. Option d (los platos principales) refers to the main courses, which makes sense in the context of Italian restaurants. Therefore, the correct answer is d.

69. "Enfrente de" quiere decir ______.
This question is asking for the meaning of the phrase "enfrente de," which can be translated as "opposite" or "across from." Option a (delante de) means "in front of", option b (detrás de) means "behind," option c (a la izquierda de) means "to the left of," and option d (cerca de) means "near." Since none of these choices match the requested meaning, none of the options provided are correct.