Bill and Rosa have only nickels and dimes. Rosa has 75 cents and Bill has 90 cents. Each has the same number of coins and Bill has the same number of dimes as Rosa has nickels. How many nickels does Rosa have?

Bill has 7 dimes and 4 nickels

Rosa has 7 nickels and 4 dimes

i dnt get ti ...this is so cionfusing

To solve this problem, we can use algebra. Let's first call the number of nickels Rosa has as "n" and the number of dimes Bill has as "d." Since each has the same number of coins, we can say that the total number of nickels and dimes is the same for both Bill and Rosa.

We know Rosa has 75 cents, which is equal to 5 cents multiplied by the number of nickels she has (n). Therefore, we have the equation:

75 = 5n

Similarly, we know Bill has 90 cents, which is equal to 10 cents multiplied by the number of dimes he has (d). Additionally, we know that the number of dimes Bill has is the same as the number of nickels Rosa has. So we have the equation:

90 = 10d

To find the number of nickels Rosa has (n), we can substitute the value of "d" from the second equation into the first equation:

90 = 10d
90 = 10 * (n/5)
90 = 2n

Now we can solve for "n," the number of nickels Rosa has:

90 = 2n
45 = n

Therefore, Rosa has 45 nickels.

If "each has the same number of coins and Bill has the same number of dimes as Rosa has nickels", then

obviously Bill will have to have the same number of nickels as Rosa has dimes

Bill: number of dimes ---x , number of nickels ---y
Roas: number of dimes --y , number of nickels ---x

Bill equation: 10x + 5y = 90
Rosa equation: 10y + 5x = 75

I would double one of them and subtract, easy after that.