Sona is trying to put together a puzzle that is too difficult for her to complete alone. If the puzzle is within Sona’s zone of proximal development, then she (Points : 1)

is likely to complete it if she has assistance.
is likely to become frustrated with a parent or teacher’s help.
needs to first learn the concept of conservation.
is likely to complete it within one year.

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If the puzzle is within Sona's zone of proximal development, it means that it is slightly more challenging than what she can do entirely on her own, but with some assistance, she can successfully complete it. Therefore, the correct answer is: Sona is likely to complete it if she has assistance.

To determine if a task is within someone's zone of proximal development, you need to assess their current skills and abilities. The zone of proximal development is the range of tasks that are too difficult to do independently but can be accomplished with the guidance and support of a more knowledgeable individual, such as a parent or teacher. It is important for the helper to provide just the right amount of support to scaffold the learner's progress and help them achieve success.