Q; the main goal of effective health education programs for young children is to A. provide children with the knoweledge to eat and exercise properly B.promote critical-thinking skills,behaviors,and attitudes C. teach children that authority figures are their best guides to a healthy lifestyles.

My answer is D

What is D?


D.provide children with good environnmental models of healthy lifestyles.

Right! :-)

Based on the given options, the correct answer is A. Provide children with the knowledge to eat and exercise properly.

To arrive at this answer, you need to analyze each option:

A. Provide children with the knowledge to eat and exercise properly:
This option focuses on equipping children with the necessary information and skills to make healthy choices regarding their diet and physical activity. It aligns with the goal of effective health education programs as it emphasizes the importance of helping children develop healthy habits.

B. Promote critical-thinking skills, behaviors, and attitudes:
While critical-thinking skills are valuable, this option does not directly address the main goal of effective health education programs for young children. Although critical thinking could be a part of comprehensive health education, it is not the primary focus.

C. Teach children that authority figures are their best guides to a healthy lifestyle:
This option centers around teaching children to rely on authority figures as their guides for a healthy lifestyle. While it is important for children to trust and seek guidance from trusted individuals, it is not the main goal of health education programs to solely emphasize authority figures as the best guides.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. Provide children with the knowledge to eat and exercise properly.