Can anyone tell me what the Contrapositive is for this sentence?

Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening.

Compound: Yes
Conditional: Yes
Antecedent: Jane or Tom
Consequent: Will wake up Tanner this evening.
Contradictory: Neither Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner.

"Neither Jane nor Tom will let Tanner sleep this evening."

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "contrapositive" to get these possible sources:
(Broken Link Removed)

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine the contrapositive of the sentence "Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening," you first need to understand the structure of a contrapositive. A contrapositive is formed by negating both the antecedent and the consequent of a conditional statement and reversing their order.

In this sentence, the conditional statement is: "Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening."

To find the contrapositive, we first negate the antecedent (Jane or Tom) and the consequent (will wake up Tanner this evening).

Negating the antecedent "Jane or Tom" gives us "Neither Jane nor Tom".

Negating the consequent "will wake up Tanner this evening" gives us "will not wake up Tanner this evening".

Lastly, we reverse the order of the negated antecedent and negated consequent to form the contrapositive:

Contrapositive: "Neither Jane nor Tom will wake up Tanner this evening."

So, the contrapositive for the sentence "Jane or Tom will wake up Tanner this evening" is "Neither Jane nor Tom will wake up Tanner this evening."