at the school free throw contest, jane made 48 out of 60 shots. max made 78% of his shots, who is the better free throw shooter

48/60 = 0.8 = 80%


To determine who the better free throw shooter is, we need to compare the shooting percentages of Jane and Max.

First, let's calculate Jane's shooting percentage:
Jane made 48 out of 60 shots. So, her shooting percentage can be calculated by dividing the number of successful shots (48) by the total number of shots attempted (60) and multiplying by 100.
Jane's shooting percentage = (48 / 60) * 100 = 80%.

Next, let's calculate Max's shooting percentage:
It is given that Max made 78% of his shots. This means he was successful on 78 out of 100 shots.

Since Jane has a shooting percentage of 80% and Max has a shooting percentage of 78%, we can conclude that Jane is the better free throw shooter as she has a higher shooting percentage.