Ln( K/ 4.90*10^-4) = 1.56189

Solve for K

To solve for K in the equation ln(K / (4.90 * 10^-4)) = 1.56189, we need to follow certain steps:

Step 1: Eliminate the natural logarithm
To eliminate the natural logarithm from the equation, we can exponentiate both sides using the base e, which is Euler's number. The exponential function, e^x, is the inverse function of the natural logarithm, ln(x).

So, applying e^x to both sides of the equation, we get:
e^(ln(K / (4.90 * 10^-4))) = e^(1.56189)

Step 2: Simplify the exponential expression
Applying the property of exponents, e^(ln(a)) = a, where a represents any positive number, we can simplify the left side of the equation to:
K / (4.90 * 10^-4) = e^(1.56189)

Step 3: Solve for K
To isolate K on one side of the equation, multiply both sides by (4.90 * 10^-4):
K = (4.90 * 10^-4) * e^(1.56189)

Step 4: Calculate the result
Now, you can use a calculator to evaluate the right side of the equation to find the value of K. Substitute the value of e^(1.56189) and evaluate the expression:

K ≈ (4.90 * 10^-4) * 4.77

K ≈ 2.3313 * 10^-4

So, the value of K is approximately 2.3313 * 10^-4.