What was the purpose of the land ordinance of 1785?

The purpose of the Land Ordinance of 1785 was to establish a system for the surveying and division of the public lands in the western territories of the United States. To understand the purpose of this ordinance, we can break it down into its historical context and the actual provisions of the law.

Historical Context:
After gaining independence from Britain, the United States faced the challenge of governing and allocating the vast amount of land in the western territories. These territories were acquired from various sources, including the Treaty of Paris of 1783 that ended the American Revolutionary War. The central government needed a plan to organize and sell these lands to finance the war debt and encourage westward settlement.

Provisions of the Land Ordinance of 1785:
1. Surveying: The ordinance provided for the systematic surveying and mapping of the land by dividing it into a grid-like pattern. The survey divided the land into townships, each measuring six miles square.
2. Townships: Each township consisted of 36 sections, with each section measuring one square mile or 640 acres. One section from each township was set aside for public education.
3. Land Sales: The ordinance established a method for the sale of public lands to private individuals or companies. The lands were to be sold in blocks of one square mile, with a minimum purchase requirement of a full section (640 acres).
4. Pricing: The price of the land was set at a minimum of $1 per acre, and buyers had to pay at least one-third of the purchase price upfront, with the remaining two-thirds due within two years.
5. Public Land Policy: The ordinance also emphasized the importance of public land for the future expansion and growth of the United States. It set a precedent for subsequent land ordinances and policies that shaped westward settlement.

To summarize, the Land Ordinance of 1785 served the purpose of creating a system for surveying, dividing, and selling the public lands in the western territories. It aimed to stimulate westward expansion, raise revenue, and support public education, while also establishing a systematic approach to land management.
