how many 0.5 g tablets of aluminum acetate would you need in order to make 750 ml of 10% aluminum acetate solution?

To find out how many 0.5 g tablets of aluminum acetate you would need to make a 10% solution of 750 ml, we first need to determine the amount of aluminum acetate required.

Step 1: Convert 10% to a decimal: 10% = 0.1

Step 2: Calculate the mass of aluminum acetate needed in the solution:

Mass of aluminum acetate = (Volume of solution) x (Concentration of solution)
Mass = 750 ml x 0.1 = 75 g

Step 3: Determine the number of tablets needed:

Number of tablets required = (Mass of aluminum acetate needed) / (Mass of one tablet)
Number of tablets = 75 g / 0.5 g = 150 tablets

Therefore, you would need 150 tablets of 0.5 g aluminum acetate to make 750 ml of a 10% aluminum acetate solution.