Respond to ONE of the following discussion questions below. Be sure to support your position with evidence from your American History text. In addition, respond to at least one other student's post stating whether you agree or disagree with his or her opinion, supporting your position. Be sure to include the question in your posted response.

If a nation's population grows, causing a greater demand for resources, does it have the right to acquire resources through imperialism? Why or why not? (Consider the Manchurian Incident)

First of all, select the ONE you want to do.

Next, tell us HOW we can help you. This is a HELP site, so I hope you are not asking us to DO the work for you!

If the question you have selected is your choice, begin with the question. When a nation's population grows......

Take a stand. What is it you intend to prove in your paper? After you have stated that, present your case. Usually this is a 5 paragraph essay. The easiest format (although not the only one) is paragraph 1 = the thesis, paragraph 2, 3, 4, = the points with your proof, paragraph 5 = the conclusion. It is a good idea to also consider the opposite view so you can show why YOUR view is so much better.


Gee -- since we don't have your American History text, we can't answer this for you.

Yes the need is justified and imperialism is not terrible and if it gets too bad whoever is the perosn you get the resources from will make war.

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of imperialism and its implications. Imperialism refers to the policy or practice of acquiring and controlling resources, territories, and people outside one's own country for economic, political, or strategic reasons.

In the case of a nation with a growing population and increased demand for resources, it may be tempted to acquire resources through imperialism. However, whether it has the right to do so is a complex ethical and historical question.

The Manchurian Incident, also known as the Mukden Incident, occurred in 1931 when the Japanese military staged an attack on a railway in Manchuria, China, as a pretext for further aggression and colonization. This incident is often cited as an example of imperialism and expansionist ambitions.

To determine whether a nation has the right to acquire resources through imperialism, we can consider the following arguments:

1. Economic Perspective:
Supporters of this perspective argue that acquiring resources through imperialism can stimulate economic growth and development. They believe that the fundamental goal of any nation is to secure its economic interests, especially when its population growth poses a threat to meeting the demand for resources.

2. Ethical and Moral Perspective:
Opponents argue that imperialism involves the exploitation of other nations and peoples. They argue that no nation has the moral right to forcefully acquire resources from another nation solely to satisfy the needs of its growing population. From this perspective, acquiring resources through imperialism is seen as an unjust violation of the rights and sovereignty of other nations.

3. Historical Precedents:
Looking back at history, there are numerous examples where imperialism led to dire consequences for both the imperialist nation and those being colonized. These consequences include social unrest, conflicts, and long-lasting tensions. The Manchurian Incident is a prime example of how imperialist ambitions can ignite conflicts and undermine international stability.

In conclusion, the question of whether a nation has the right to acquire resources through imperialism is subjective and largely depends on one's perspective. It is essential to consider both the economic and ethical implications, as well as historical precedents, when forming an opinion on this matter.

As an AI, I do not have personal opinions. However, I encourage you to research further into the topic and engage in thoughtful discussions with your peers to develop a well-rounded understanding of this complex issue. Remember to support your arguments with evidence from your American History text.