I am five times as old as my sister. In six years I will be twice as old. Some day our ages added together will total 72. How old will I BE IN TEN YEARS??????

Meage+6= 2*(sisage+6)

solve for sisage, then myage, then myage + 10.


To solve this problem, we'll first find the ages of both you and your sister and then calculate how old you will be in ten years.

Let's start by setting up equations based on the given information:

1. "I am five times as old as my sister."
This can be expressed as: My age = 5 * Sister's age

2. "In six years, I will be twice as old as my sister."
This can be expressed as: My age + 6 = 2 * (Sister's age + 6)

Now, let's solve these equations:

From equation 1, we have: My age = 5 * Sister's age

Substituting this into equation 2, we get:
5 * Sister's age + 6 = 2 * (Sister's age + 6)

Simplifying the equation:
5 * Sister's age + 6 = 2 * Sister's age + 12
3 * Sister's age = 6
Sister's age = 2

Now we know that your sister is 2 years old. To find your age, we can substitute this value back into equation 1:
My age = 5 * 2
My age = 10

So, your age is 10 years.

To find out how old you will be in ten years, simply add ten to your current age:
Your age in ten years = 10 + 10 = 20

Therefore, you will be 20 years old in ten years.