If Loiuse can type 70 words in 2 minutes and Corey can type 120 words in 3 minutes, which statement is true??

Loises rate is 50 words per minutes slower than coreys rate or

Louise rate is 5 words per minutes slower than coreys rate

70 words in 2 min = 70/2 = 35 wpm

120 words in 3 min = 120/3 = 40 wpm
wpm = words per min

Can you answer now?

Loises rate is 5 worfs per min sloer than coreys rate?


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105 is write answer or not!

To find the answer, we need to compare the typing rates of Louise and Corey.

First, let's calculate Louise's typing rate. We are given that Louise can type 70 words in 2 minutes. To determine how many words she can type in 1 minute, we can divide the total number of words she types in 2 minutes (70) by the number of minutes (2).

So, Louise's typing rate is 70 words / 2 minutes = 35 words per minute.

Next, let's calculate Corey's typing rate. We are told that Corey can type 120 words in 3 minutes. To determine how many words he can type in 1 minute, we divide the total number of words he types in 3 minutes (120) by the number of minutes (3).

Thus, Corey's typing rate is 120 words / 3 minutes = 40 words per minute.

Now, let's compare the two rates to figure out which statement is true.

The first statement says that Louise's rate is 50 words per minute slower than Corey's rate. Since Louise's rate is 35 words per minute and Corey's rate is 40 words per minute, we can subtract Louise's rate from Corey's rate to confirm if it is a difference of 50 words per minute:

Corey's rate - Louise's rate = 40 words per minute - 35 words per minute = 5 words per minute

As we can see, the difference between their rates is 5 words per minute, not 50 words per minute. Therefore, the first statement is NOT true.

The second statement says that Louise's rate is 5 words per minute slower than Corey's rate. Given that Corey's rate is 40 words per minute and Louise's rate is 35 words per minute, we can subtract Louise's rate from Corey's rate to confirm if it is a difference of 5 words per minute:

Corey's rate - Louise's rate = 40 words per minute - 35 words per minute = 5 words per minute

As we can observe, the difference between their rates is indeed 5 words per minute. Therefore, the second statement is TRUE.