which farction is closet in vaule to 1 ?

A.3/5 B.2/3 C.1/2 D.7/10

I suggest you convert these fractions to decimals. Then you can easily determine their relative values.

Convert all the fractions to fractions with the same denominator, using the LCD.

A. 18/30
B. 20/30
C. 15/30
D. 21/30

Now, wouldn't the largest fraction be closest in value to 1?

think about it pleaase?


We will not give you the answer. But helper and I gave you two different ways of finding the answer.


How did you get 1/2?

1/2 is only half away from 1 whole

1/2 is the farthest from 1 whole. Th other three are closer. Using the equivalents that helper posted, which one is closest to 1?

Hint: 30/30 = 1


Apparently we're not able to help you. Please ask you teacher to explain this problem to you.

7/10 as when divided equals o.7 which is closer to 1.


7/10 = 21/30

That's the largest fraction and is closest to 1.