NaCL is composed of 39.3% Na and 0.7%. Calculate the mass of Na in 0.375gm salt.

To calculate the mass of Na in 0.375 g of salt (NaCl), we first need to determine the mass percentage of Na in NaCl.

Mass percentage of Na = 39.3%
Mass percentage of Cl = 60.7%

Step 1: Calculate the mass of Na in 0.375 g of salt.
Mass of Na = (Mass percentage of Na × Mass of salt) / 100
Mass of Na = (39.3% × 0.375 g) / 100

To calculate this, we divide the mass percentage of Na by 100 to convert it to a decimal, then multiply that by the mass of salt.

Mass of Na = (0.393 × 0.375 g) / 100
Mass of Na = 0.147375 g

Therefore, the mass of Na in 0.375 g of salt (NaCl) is 0.147375 g.