how do you get from 3/32 to 3/16 ?

Add 3/32

To get from 3/32 to 3/16, you need to find an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 16.

To do this, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the relationship between the two denominators (32 and 16). Since 16 is half of 32, you need to multiply both the numerator and denominator of 3/32 by 2.

Step 2: Multiply the numerator (3) by 2: 3 * 2 = 6.

Step 3: Multiply the denominator (32) by 2: 32 * 2 = 64.

The original fraction, 3/32, can be written as an equivalent fraction: 6/64.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction by finding a common factor for the numerator and denominator. In this case, both 6 and 64 are divisible by 2:
6 ÷ 2 = 3
64 ÷ 2 = 32

The simplified fraction is 3/32.

Therefore, to get from 3/32 to 3/16, multiply both the numerator and denominator of 3/32 by 2, resulting in 6/64. Then simplify the fraction to get 3/16.