Design a simple and appealing educational image to illustrate the concept of fractions. Include a pie chart divided into seven equal pieces, indicating a denominator of seven. Highlight one complete section to signify the whole or '1', so it represents the fraction that is equal to 1 over 7 or 1/7. Please ensure there's no text in the image.

Write a fraction equal to 1 that has a denominator of 7.



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To write a fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 7, we need to find a numerator that, when divided by 7, results in 1. In this case, the numerator will be 7.

Therefore, the fraction equal to 1 with a denominator of 7 is:


When you divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (7), the result is 1.

Hey Amy, any fraction is equal to one when the denominator and numerator are the same number.

it is 7 over 7


12/12 = 1


one seven