Explain which numbers are the divisor dividend and quotient in the following problem 48 divided 6 = 8 ?


48 = dividend

6 = divisor
8 = quotient

Is 746/40 18 remainder 28

Is 746 divided by 40 18 remainder 28

In the problem 48 divided by 6 equals 8, we have three different numbers - the dividend, the divisor, and the quotient.

The dividend is the number that is being divided, which in this case is 48. It is the large number that is being "broken apart" or divided into equal parts.

The divisor is the number by which the dividend is divided. In this case, the divisor is 6. It is the number that specifies how many parts the dividend will be divided or shared into.

Lastly, the quotient is the result of the division operation. It is the answer or the value obtained when the dividend is divided by the divisor. In this case, the quotient is 8. It represents the result of dividing 48 by 6, which indicates how many equal parts the dividend has been divided into.

So, to summarize:
- Dividend: 48
- Divisor: 6
- Quotient: 8