Place the following process in the correct order.

a) urine is stored in the bladder.
b) blood enters the afferent arteriole.
c) fluids pass from the glomerulus into Bowman's capsule.
d) urine is excreted by the urethra.
e) sodium ions, glucose and amino acids are actively transported from the nephronto the bloodstream.
f) water is diffused from the nephron to the bloodstream.

To place the given process in the correct order, we need to understand the process of urine formation and excretion in the human body. Here's the correct order:

1) Blood enters the afferent arteriole.
Explanation: Blood containing waste products enters the kidney through the afferent arteriole.

2) Fluids pass from the glomerulus into Bowman's capsule.
Explanation: Within the kidney, the glomerulus filters waste products and excess fluids from the blood, which then pass into Bowman's capsule.

3) Sodium ions, glucose, and amino acids are actively transported from the nephron to the bloodstream.
Explanation: After filtration, valuable substances like sodium ions, glucose, and amino acids are actively transported back into the bloodstream.

4) Water is diffused from the nephron to the bloodstream.
Explanation: As the filtered fluid continues through the nephron, water is reabsorbed into the bloodstream, along with other necessary substances.

5) Urine is stored in the bladder.
Explanation: Once the necessary substances are reabsorbed, the remaining waste products accumulate in the bladder, where urine is stored.

6) Urine is excreted by the urethra.
Explanation: When the bladder is full, a signal is sent to the brain, triggering the release of urine through the urethra as the final step in the process.

So, the correct order is: b) blood enters the afferent arteriole, c) fluids pass from the glomerulus into Bowman's capsule, e) sodium ions, glucose, and amino acids are actively transported from the nephron to the bloodstream, f) water is diffused from the nephron to the bloodstream, a) urine is stored in the bladder, d) urine is excreted by the urethra.