which person has had the most influence on the growth of psychology?

I would say Aristole and Plato.

I would say Eve.

Could you give me some information on her?

Eve was that babe who convinced her man to eat the forbidden fruit, and got him in big trouble with God. Adam blamed her, and she got in trouble also

I realized that after I asked the question LOL. Thanks :)


The question of who has had the most influence on the growth of psychology is subjective and can vary depending on the perspective. However, there are a few individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of psychology. While Aristotle and Plato were influential thinkers in ancient Greece and made important contributions to various fields including philosophy, their influence on the growth of psychology is recognized but not as significant as some other individuals.

One person who is often considered to have had a profound impact on the growth of psychology is Sigmund Freud. Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis. His theories and concepts, such as the unconscious mind, psychosexual development, and defense mechanisms, have greatly influenced the field of psychology.

Another influential figure in the growth of psychology is Wilhelm Wundt. Wundt is often referred to as the "father of psychology" for establishing the first experimental psychology lab and for his work in introspection and structuralism. His emphasis on the scientific study of the mind and behavior helped shape the field of psychology as a distinct scientific discipline.

Other notable figures who have contributed significantly to the growth of psychology include Ivan Pavlov, known for his work on classical conditioning; B.F. Skinner, known for his work on operant conditioning; and Carl Rogers, known for his humanistic approach to therapy.

It's important to keep in mind that the development and growth of psychology as a field have been shaped by the contributions of many individuals over time, and their influence is often interconnected. While Eve, as mentioned in your initial response, is a biblical figure and not historically regarded as having a direct influence on the growth of psychology, her story holds significance in religious and literary contexts.