in _________, school begins around March 1 and ends in December (2 words)

How many letters?

A two-word Spanish-speaking country is Costa Rica.

Also in Japan!


six letter spanish word for clue el chile original

To find the answer to your question, we can observe that the specified school year begins around March 1 and ends in December. This suggests that we may be referring to a country or region with a different academic calendar than the traditional September to June school year. Let's explore some options:

1. Australia and New Zealand:
In both Australia and New Zealand, the academic year generally starts in late January or early February and ends in November or December. However, it does not exactly match the March 1 to December timeline mentioned in the question.

2. Southern Hemisphere countries:
Since the question states that school begins around March 1, it is logical to consider countries in the Southern Hemisphere because their seasons are opposite to those in the Northern Hemisphere. In Southern Hemisphere countries like South Africa and Argentina, the academic year typically begins in January or February and ends in December.

In conclusion, based on the information given, there doesn't seem to be a specific country or region that exactly matches the described school year from March 1 to December. However, considering Southern Hemisphere countries and regions like South Africa and Argentina may be the closest matches.