Round 0.8394263 to the nearest hunderd-thousandth.

Is this correct 0.83943

Round the number 43,678.426785 to the nearest ten thousand.

Is this correct 43,678.4268

Your first answer is correct.

The second problem asks you to round the number to the nearest TEN THOUSAND, not ten-thousandths.


Would my answer be 40,000,I still get confused on rounding numbers.

To round a number to the nearest hundred-thousandth, you need to look at the digit in the hundred-thousandth place (the sixth digit after the decimal point) and determine if it should be rounded up or down.

In the case of 0.8394263, the digit in the hundred-thousandth place is 3. Since it is less than 5, you should round down. So the correct answer to round 0.8394263 to the nearest hundred-thousandth is 0.83942, not 0.83943.

To round a number to the nearest ten thousand, you need to look at the digit in the ten thousandth place (the fifth digit before the decimal point) and determine whether to round up or down.

In the case of 43,678.426785, the digit in the ten thousandth place is 8. Since it is greater than or equal to 5, you should round up. So the correct answer to round 43,678.426785 to the nearest ten thousand is 43,680, not 43,678.4268.