graph on a number line -1<x<=5

How do I determine if it is open or close?

-1 < X <= 5.

This will be a graph of all numbers
between -1 and 5.
The inequality is call a conjunction.
Notice that both arrows point in the
same direction.

1. On the number line, draw an open circle at -1.

2. Draw a filled circle at 5.

3. Connect the circles through a st.

The open circle means that -1 is NOT a part of the solution. The equal sign and filled circle means that 5 is a
part of the solution.

@ -1.

To determine if the graph is open or closed in an inequality on a number line like -1 < x <= 5, you need to look at the inequalities involved.

In this case, the inequality is strict ("less than"), denoted by the "<" symbol. When an inequality is strict, it means that the endpoints are not included in the solution set, making the graph open.

So, for -1 < x <= 5, the graph would be open on the left side at x = -1, and closed on the right side at x = 5.

To determine whether the graph of the inequality -1 < x ≤ 5 on a number line is open or closed, we need to examine the inequality symbols.

In this case, we have "<" and "≤" symbols.

1. "<" symbol: This symbol means "less than" and indicates that the endpoint is not included in the solution set. It represents an open circle or an open point.

2. "≤" symbol: This symbol means "less than or equal to" and indicates that the endpoint is included in the solution set. It represents a closed dot or a filled-in point.

Based on the inequality -1 < x ≤ 5, we have an open circle at -1 (because of the "<" symbol) and a closed dot at 5 (because of the "≤" symbol). This means that the graph of the inequality is open on the left side (towards negative infinity) and closed on the right side (towards positive infinity).

So, to graph this inequality on a number line:

1. Draw a horizontal line representing the number line.
2. Place an open circle (•) at -1.
3. Place a closed dot (●) at 5.
4. Draw a solid line segment connecting the open circle and the closed dot.

You have successfully graphed -1 < x ≤ 5 on a number line, indicating an open interval on the left side and a closed interval on the right side.