Halleys Comet. Rmin =8.9 x 10^10 m

Period of orbit = 2.4 x 10^9 sec
1)What is value of K for Halley's comet?
2)Whats the average radius of Halleys comet orbit?
3)What is value of the aphelion(Rmax) for halley's comet.(Rmin is perihelion. Recall Rave= [{Rmin +Rmax}/2]
4) what is Rmax/Rmin.

To find the value of K for Halley's comet, we can use Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion. This law states that the square of the period of an orbit (T) is proportional to the cube of the average radius of the orbit (Rave). The equation for Kepler's Third Law is:

T^2 = K * Rave^3

1) Value of K for Halley's comet:
Period of orbit (T) = 2.4 x 10^9 seconds
Average radius of the orbit (Rave) = (Rmax + Rmin) / 2

We need to rearrange the equation to solve for K. Firstly, let's substitute the values into the equation:

(T^2) = K * (Rave^3)
(2.4 x 10^9)^2 = K * [(Rmax + Rmin)/2]^3

Now, rearrange the equation to solve for K:
K = (2.4 x 10^9)^2 / [(Rmax + Rmin)/2]^3

To find the average radius (Rave) of Halley's comet's orbit, we can substitute the known values of Rmin and Rmax into the equation:

2) Average radius of Halley's comet's orbit:
Average radius (Rave) = (Rmin + Rmax) / 2
Given: Rmin = 8.9 x 10^10 m

Substitute the known values into the equation to find Rave.

3) Value of the aphelion (Rmax) for Halley's comet:
Given: Rmin = 8.9 x 10^10 m
Recall that Rave = (Rmin + Rmax) / 2

We can rearrange the equation to solve for Rmax:
2 * Rave = Rmin + Rmax
2 * Rave - Rmin = Rmax

Substitute the known values of Rave and Rmin into the equation to find Rmax.

4) Ratio of Rmax to Rmin:
To find Rmax/Rmin, simply divide the value of Rmax by Rmin.