3. You obtain the following regression statistics for the relationship between defect rate and volume at one of your plants. You have a random sample of results from 160 shifts at the plant.

What is your question?

I can help you with your question about the regression statistics for the relationship between defect rate and volume at your plant. However, I need more specific information about the regression statistics you obtained. Generally, regression statistics include measures such as the coefficient of determination (R-squared), the coefficient of correlation (correlation coefficient), and the regression equation.

To obtain regression statistics, you would typically need to perform a regression analysis. Here's a general step-by-step guide on how to obtain regression statistics using statistical software:

1. Collect your data: Make sure you have collected data on both the independent variable (volume) and the dependent variable (defect rate). In your case, I understand that you have a random sample of results from 160 shifts at the plant.

2. Choose your regression model: Determine the appropriate regression model to use based on your research question and the relationship between the variables. Common regression models include simple linear regression, multiple regression, polynomial regression, etc.

3. Perform the regression analysis: Use statistical software such as R, Python, Excel, or other regression analysis tools to conduct the regression analysis. You will input your data into the software and specify the dependent and independent variables.

4. Interpret the regression output: Once the regression analysis is complete, you will obtain a regression output, which includes various statistics. Look for relevant statistics such as the R-squared value (which indicates the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variable), the correlation coefficient (which measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between the variables), and the regression equation (which represents the mathematical relationship between the variables).

5. Draw conclusions: Analyze and interpret the obtained regression statistics to draw conclusions about the relationship between the defect rate and volume at your plant. For example, if the R-squared value is high, it suggests a strong relationship between the variables. If the correlation coefficient is positive, it indicates a positive association between the variables, while a negative correlation coefficient suggests a negative association.

Please provide more specific information about the regression statistics you obtained or let me know if you have any other questions related to regression analysis.