Accoring to the info below, calculate the invoice total please show all your work and explian thanks

Customer Invoice
Stock# Quant Unit Item Uniit Price
24795 150 ea calculator $10.63
32678 150 ea stapler $4.95
82493 80 box pencils $1.29
67028 50 box erasers $ 2.48
75962 25 box paper $15.49
49753 75 box pens $9.58
Please note shipping charges are $110.10

What do you find hard about this problem?

It's simply a matter of multiplying the quantity by the price and adding them together.

If you post your answer, we'll be glad to check it for you.

ok I think I got it please see if this is write thanks

150 X $10.63=1594.5
150 X $4.95= 742.5
80 X 1.29 = 103.2
50 X 2.48 = 124
25 X15.49= = 387.25
75 X 9.58 = 718.5
then add the number together which you get 3669.95 ok then what do you do because it says note shipping charges are $110.10

I didn't check all of your calculations, but I assume they're correct.

You add the shipping charges to the total and invoice the customer for that amount.

$3669.95 + 110.1 = $3780.05

To calculate the invoice total, we need to calculate the total cost of each item and add them together, then add the shipping charges.

Let's start by calculating the total cost for each item:

- For the calculator: Quantity (150) multiplied by Unit Price ($10.63) equals $1,594.50
- For the stapler: Quantity (150) multiplied by Unit Price ($4.95) equals $742.50
- For the pencils: Quantity (80) multiplied by Unit Price ($1.29) equals $103.20
- For the erasers: Quantity (50) multiplied by Unit Price ($2.48) equals $124.00
- For the paper: Quantity (25) multiplied by Unit Price ($15.49) equals $387.25
- For the pens: Quantity (75) multiplied by Unit Price ($9.58) equals $718.50

Now, let's calculate the total cost of all items by adding these values together:

$1,594.50 + $742.50 + $103.20 + $124.00 + $387.25 + $718.50 = $3,669.95

Finally, let's add the shipping charges of $110.10 to the total cost:

$3,669.95 + $110.10 = $3,780.05

Therefore, the invoice total is $3,780.05.